For those who obtained Credit, Distinction and High Distinction only!!!
Cyndi 98% Manea 98% Nina 98% Ralph 98% Rizqur 98%
Zahidah 95% Roxanne 95%
Rosen 93%
Nasrullah 90% Amirul 90%
Jasmine 85%
Hannah 83% Auji 83%
Eddy 80% Abib 80% Riwandi 80%
Dalbert 78% Januardy 78%
Amir 75% Ezyan 75% Ummu 75% Nadhilah 75% Chris Chiew 75%
Micah 73% Julian 73%
Haayatul 68% Lim 68%
Lika 63% Sachini 63%
Aim higher especially those students whose name do not appear here!
Just marked it halfway!
ReplyDeleteVisit the site tomorrow for the results!!!
View your results...aim for High Distinction
ReplyDeletenext time.
Go go go Young Biologists!